Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

Unless of course one of your party is blogging about your vacation and then all your friends and family will know the shenanigans you are getting up to!  Haha.

Anyways, since I last wrote, we have shopped, rather unsuccessfully on my behalf, attended baby Katherine's baptism, met up with 2 of Robert's friends, attended the Lego Americano roadshow, drove through the Mojave National Preserve en route to Las Vegas and explored the strip.  It's been action-packed!

First, Katherine's baptism.  I am pretty sure the priest was attempting to guilt all of us into attending church the next day, but it didn't work.  Much to Dinelle's dismay, Katherine cried the whole time and I believe they'd been warned ahead of time that this particular priest didn't like children, but it all worked out fine.  Afterwards, we headed back to Tita Gina's house where close to 100 family members and friends popped by at one time or another for some of the delicious Filipino food that had been catered.  I think Robert's lumpia (Filipino springrolls) are better but they were certainly edible too.  We have loads of leftover lechon (roasted pig) for anyone interested.

 Robert's family

Dinelle and Katherine

As most of you know, Robert worked on cruise ships for about 10 years.  Aboard those ships, he's met lots of friends who end up in various places around the world after their cruise ship retirement.  He tried to connect with his friend, Louie, who we've seen before when we visited Robert's aunt but unfortunately  was not in good health and couldn't see us.  Robert was able to meet up with his friend, Eric, in Glendale, however, after about 16 years, as well as his friend, Andrew, who picked us up after we'd walked close to 5 miles to give us a ride to the Las Vegas sign, along the strip to see the lights and then back to our hotel.

Robert and Eric at the Lincoln Memorial

The kids were ecstatic to learn that the mall Robert had arranged to meet Eric at had a Lego Americana roadshow happening at it.  They had about 12 different American monuments/buildings built out of Lego, including the WhiteHouse, the Capitol Building and Duncan's favourite, the Statue of Liberty.  They even had a scavenger hunt type thing where the kids had to read about each of the creations to learn about them and answer questions in order to present it at the Lego Store to get a free collectible card pack.

Now, driving through the Mojave National Preserve en route to Vegas added a couple of hours to the trip but I think it was worth it.  The scenery was stunning and so different from anything I've seen before.  The Kelso Depot information centre was interesting too besides being in a stunning building and the Park Ranger gave each of the kids booklets they are to complete before I give them their Junior Ranger pins and badges.  We were hoping to see some desert tortoise and birds, maybe some mammalian wildlife but were unsuccessful.  We were hoping to avoid the 3 types of rattlesnakes and the sidewinder that call the preserve home and were happy to be able to do that!  Robert saw a little lizard on the side of the road but we missed it.

 The Granite Mountain Viewpoint

 Duncan's locking Daddy in the Kelso Depot Jail

 The Kelso Depot Station

The Joshua Trees

Finally, we arrived in Vegas.  Of all the driving I've done so far this trip, this was by far the most frustrating for me.  I'm not sure if I was just tired or if it was just bad.  Either way, once we parked the car, I refused to get in it again last night to drive to Fremont Street with Robert's aunts and uncles.  I also didn't think the kids would be as interested in it as the strip itself with the bright lights.  Unfortunately after walking for close to 5 miles, we caught the tail end of the Bellagio Fountain show and completely missed the Treasure Island pirate show and the Mirage volcano show.  The kids were troopers though - no complaints until we ended up back at the Venetian and to be honest, we were all exhausted and tired by that point (and hungry too as we thought we were meeting up with Robert's aunts and uncles for dinner so essentially had only had snack-sized lunch and dinner before this.)  I had to answer loads of questions about the smell of marijuana, mental health, drunk people literally falling over in front of us, and why there are so many cards on the ground with pictures of naked women as well as pictures on sides of vehicles of naked men and women in bathtubs together.  And why would so many people want to come to a place nicknamed Sin City?

We are trying to go for a quick swim now before we leave since the pools closed early last night and we only had like 10 minutes in the pool in spite of the crazy expensive resort fees.  Then we head off to San Diego.  Hope all is well there and I hope the weather here warms up soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danica, it's Ila, I am reading about your trip it sounds really fun. I miss you. From Ila
